Specialty Services

If you need additional care outside of our Primary Care Departments, Yale Health has a team of on-site specialists to meet your needs. This includes: cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, general surgery, neurology, orthopedics, otolaryngology (ENT), and urology.
Yale Health members and students with Yale Health Hospitalization & Specialty Care coverage must have a referral from their primary care provider to make an appointment in Specialty Services.
Members and students with Hospitalization & Specialty Care coverage must use one of the below consults for any preliminary specialty service appointments. In addition to specialists at the Yale Health Center, a larger network of specialists is available upon referral by these consultants.
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Related Coverage Topics
Assistant Director
Clinical Manager
Acute Specialty Care Clinicians (*Yale Health Staff)
Cardiology Clinicians
Endocrinology Clinicians
Otolaryngology (ENT) Clinicians
Gastroenterology Clinicians (*Yale Health Staff)
General Surgery Clincians
Neurology Clinicians
Orthopedics Clinicians
Rheumatology Clinicians
Urology Clinicians
Medical Assistants
What happens if I need surgery? How is it arranged?
Your surgeon will discuss the procedure with you and the pre-op scheduler will contact you. Most patients will have a pre-op physical exam and/or blood work and an EKG with their PCC. Ariel Evans, MA, the pre-op scheduler, will make all pre-op appointments and arrange them with you over the phone. You may call the pre-op scheduler at 203-432-8728.