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Outpatient Rights & Responsibilities

Outpatient Care and Services

The following policies regarding the rights and responsibilities of patients have been adopted by Yale Health.

Yale Health will ensure that each patient:

  1. Is fully informed of these rights and of all rules and regulations governing patient conduct and responsibilities. 
  2. Has the right to receive the best care Yale Health can offer for their health needs, concerns, illnesses, and injuries.
  3. Is treated with consideration, respect, dignity, and individuality including privacy in treatment and care for their needs.
  4. Has the right to expect that their personal convictions and beliefs, when expressed, will be considered when seeking and receiving services and when decisions are made by Yale Health providers regarding their care.
  5. Has the right to agree with or refuse any health care service and to be informed of the medical consequences of refusing a service.
  6. Is fully informed, as evidenced by their consent, about diagnostic or treatment procedures as appropriate.
  7. Will know the identity and professional status of their clinical care team and be able to select their own primary care provider from the panel of Yale Health primary care providers to the extent possible.
  8. Has the right to have their privacy respected.
  9. Is assured that their medical records will be kept confidential and that access to information about their health will be limited to those legitimately involved in their care, in accordance with Yale Health’s Notice of Privacy Practices.
  10. Is fully informed, by an authorized provider, of their medical condition unless medically contraindicated (as documented by a provider in the medical record) and is afforded the opportunity to participate in the planning of medical treatment.
  11. Is entitled to receive an appropriate assessment of their health and reasonable management of pain.
  12. Is assured confidential treatment of their personal and medical records and may approve or refuse their release to any individual outside the facility except in the case of their transfer to another health care institution or as required by law or third party payment contract.
  13. Has the right to review their medical record, except when restricted by law, and to have the information explained or interpreted as necessary.
  14. Is fully informed of any clinical research related to their condition, and has the right to refuse participation in any clinical research without jeopardizing their access to medical care and treatment.
  15. Is fully informed of Yale Health resources for resolving disputes, grievances, and conflicts.
  16. Is fully informed of services available and related charges including any charges for services not covered by their membership in Yale Health, and has the right to request an itemized bill and to have the charges explained.
  17. Is entitled to have an advance directive, such as a living will, health care proxy, or durable power of attorney for health care, concerning health care decisions, and to have the advance directive honored to the extent permitted by law.
  18. Is fully informed of the existence of business relationships between Yale Health and other health care providers or commercial entities that might significantly influence their treatment and care.

All rights and responsibilities specified in paragraphs numbered 1 through 18 particularly as they pertain to a patient adjudicated incompetent in accordance with state law or a patient who is found, by their provider, to be medically incapable of understanding these rights or a patient who exhibits a communications barrier devolve to and are binding on such patient’s guardian, next of kin, sponsoring agency, or representative payee (except when the facility itself is representative payee).

The aforementioned rights are for patients of Yale Health without regard to sex, race, color, religion, age, disability, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

The responsibilities of patients of Yale Health include:

Providing information.  Patients must provide to the best of their knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, pain, and other matters relating to their health, such as documentation of advance directives or changes to such directives. Patients must report perceived risks in their care and unexpected changes in their health. They can help Yale Health understand their status by providing feedback about service needs and expectations.

Asking questions.  Patients must ask questions when they do not understand their care, treatment, services, or what they are expected to do.

Following instructions.   Patients must follow the plan of care developed. They should express any concerns about their ability to follow the proposed care plan or course of care, treatment, and services. 

Accepting consequences.  Patients must recognize the effects of lifestyle choices on their health and take reasonable steps to remain healthy. 

Following rules and regulations.  Patients must follow Yale Health’s rules and regulations.

Showing respect and consideration.  Patients must be considerate of Yale Health’s staff and property, as well as other patients and their property.

Meeting financial commitments.  Patients must provide Yale Health with complete insurance information to ensure that medical bills are paid properly. Patients must be aware that they are financially responsible for payment of any deductibles, coinsurance, fee-for-service visits, and non-covered services and must promptly meet any financial obligation agreed to with Yale Health.  

For more information call 203-432-0246.

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