New Student Health Requirements

Welcome to Yale Health and Yale University!
Please review the documents below for information about your health services, requirements, and deadlines for submission.
These requirements are mandated by Yale University policy and Connecticut State regulations. If you do not complete health requirements before your established deadline, you may be blocked from registering for classes in the future.
You'll need to upload all your necessary health information for processing, review, and storage. The portal for health requirements is called Health On Track. The portal will be available for incoming Yale Summer Session students and incoming Fall 2025 students on March 18 at Noon EST.
We strongly recommend that you schedule your appointment with your current healthcare provider from April-June or approximately two and a half months from the deadline for your program (below). Many providers are busy during the summer months and wait times may be long.
How to Satisfy Health Requirements (All Incoming Students)
- Information on student health requirements is available for review at the link above.
- Log-into Health On Track when the portal opens for the term. Access will be available after admission and receiving your NetID. Please check back for relevant information.
- Submit any necessary documents or lab test results within Health On Track as instructed.
- Instructional guides are available on the Health On Track webpage.
- Information for International Students is available within International Students Helpful Hints.
- Spring Term: December 15th
- Summer Term:
- Yale Graduate & Professional School Students (not in YSS): April 15
- Yale Summer Session Students:
- Session A – Document Submission – April 14; Compliance - May 2
- Session B – Document Submission – May 19; Compliance - June 6
- Early Start Term: June 1st
- If you are a fall degree-seeking student scheduled on campus prior to August 1st and a member of a Program identified below, you must meet the compliance deadline for the Early Start Term.
- Yale College – First-Year Scholars at Yale (FSY)
- Yale School of Public Health (Summer Dates) – Advanced Professional MPH, Accelerated MBA/MPH
- Yale School of Architecture
- Yale School of Management – Master’s in Public Education Management
- Yale School of Management – MBA for Executives
- Yale School of Medicine – START Program
- School of Engineering – Personalized Medicine and Applied Engineering
- Fall Term: August 1st
Supplemental Forms for Certain Groups
- Yale Health Hospitalization & Specialty coverage waiver submission (only for students who want to waive parts of the coverage – available in early June)
- The deadline to waive for the Fall term or full year is September 15th.
- The deadline to waive for the Spring term is January 31st.
- Student Enrollment/Change Application (for dependents and Affiliate plan)
- Authorization for Medical Care and Treatment for Minors (only for students aged 17 and under at the time of enrollment)
- Student Allergy Medical Treatment Plan (only for students requiring ongoing treatment by an allergist)
- Designation of Patient Spokesperson
- Varsity Athlete Required Forms
- Harvest Medical Form
- FOOT Medical Form
Exemptions from Required Vaccinations
- Medical exemptions: Medical exemptions may be requested by completing the Student Vaccine Exemption Form. Documentation from a healthcare provider is required and will be reviewed by Student Health for appropriateness.
- Religious exemptions: In accordance with CT state statute, Yale does not offer religious exemptions for required vaccinations except for influenza. Under Public Act 21-6 passed by the Connecticut legislature, no new religious exemptions are allowed after April 27, 2021. The law outlines an exception for those with a valid religious exemption established by midnight April 27, 2021, for students enrolled at Yale on or before April 28, 2021. Religious exemptions from outside of Connecticut OR exemptions from K-12 schools will not transfer to Yale. Requests for religious exemption for COVID vaccination are available on Health On Track.
Information for Review
Consent to Treatment
In order to receive care from Yale Health, your consent to treatment is required. By presenting to the Yale Health Center for care, you implicitly consent to and/or acknowledge the following: (i) you consent to treatment as a patient of Yale Health for the purpose of receiving medical care and treatment and/or diagnostic procedures as determined to be necessary or advisable in your care; (ii) you consent to admission to the Yale Health Infirmary when indicated by your medical condition; (iii) if you are an undergraduate student, you consent to the performance of one or more tests to determine your blood alcohol breath level if you present to Yale Health and appear to be intoxicated, in connection with which you may be admitted to the Yale Health Infirmary or transferred to the Yale-New Haven Hospital emergency department; (iv) you acknowledge that Yale Health may use telehealth tools in your care including, but not limited to, video visits, e-consults with specialists, and audio and/or video monitoring in acute and inpatient departments; (v) you acknowledge that as part of your medical care and treatment, you may be tested for HIV and this testing is voluntary; you will notify your Yale Health care provider if you do not agree to HIV testing; and (vi) you acknowledge that photographic images, videotaped images or other images may be made of you for purposes of medical documentation or education as Yale Health deems appropriate, and that the use or release of such images will be in accordance with Yale Health’s Notice of Privacy Practices. You acknowledge that discussion of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to each procedure, treatment, or test is available to you so that you can make informed decisions about your care.