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SHARE Center

Dealing with sexual misconduct? Wondering if that’s even what to call it? SHARE can help.

Who do we serve?

SHARE is available to all members of the Yale community who are dealing with sexual misconduct of any kind, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, intimate partner violence, and more. We assist individuals who are dealing with both  current/recent and past experiences, as well as offer support to those who may experience something indirectly such as supporting friends, family or loved ones or witnessing something of concern. Additionally, we have resources for individuals who may have concerns about their own behavior.

SHARE provides crisis support, advocacy,  and referral to on-going care for all members of the Yale community. We also offer on-going counseling for students (undergraduate, graduate, and professional) focused on processing issues related to sexual misconduct . You can read more about our services below.

We encourage anyone to contact us to receive information, advocacy and support. No concern is too large or too small to bring to SHARE.

How can you connect with us?

We are located on the Lower Level of Yale Health and open for appointments Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm.  Counselors are also available any time, day or night, at our 24/7 hotline (203 432-2000). All interactions with SHARE are confidential, and can be anonymous if you wish. Sometimes we have a one-time phone consultation. More often, that first phone call leads to meeting in person, exploring options for response, and working to make sure that the person  gets whatever ongoing assistance is needed.  We will offer information and support with the goal of helping you make your own informed, empowered decisions.

Meet Our Staff

You can read more about our professional staff and find out how to connect with them directly here.

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