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COVID-19 Vaccination FAQ for International Students and Scholars

Vaccines Accepted by Yale

Yale will accept any combination of COVID-19 vaccines that have received full approval or Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or have been issued Emergency Use Listing (EUL) by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Frequently Asked Questions

These frequently asked questions may be helpful to Yale’s international students and scholars currently outside of the U.S. who are making plans to come to Yale and have a COVID-19 vaccination requirement. You may send an email to if your questions are not answered here.

I have a vaccine requirement and was unable to access a vaccine at home. Can I be vaccinated when I arrive at Yale? 

Students and scholars who are unable to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at home, can receive their vaccination in New Haven.

  • Enrolled students and Yale employees may be through the Yale Vaccine Program. The program provides updated COVID-19 vaccination clinics between September and February every year. You will need your Yale net ID to self-schedule a vaccine appointment through the Yale Vaccine Program. 
  • Outside of the timeframe above, students and Yale Health members may contact Yale Health’s Immunization Department.
  • Visiting students and scholars will be directed to local pharmacies to complete vaccination.

Should I delay getting the vaccine offered in my home country and wait until I arrive at Yale?

No, however if you are unable to access a COVID-19 vaccine in your home country, you can arrange for vaccination on arrival following the guidance above.

I received a COVID-19 vaccine in another country that has not been authorized or approved by the FDA or has Emergency Use Listing from the WHO. Should I be re-vaccinated at Yale? 

The CDC provides guidance for people who received COVID-19 vaccine outside of the United States. If you need to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at Yale, you will need to schedule a vaccine appointment through the Yale Vaccine Program as explained above.  We will assist international students with vaccination upon arrival in New Haven; send an email to  

I received one dose of a two-dose vaccine in another country, can I get the second dose at Yale?

Yes. The CDC provides guidance for people who received COVID-19 vaccine outside of the United States.

I will not be able to get two shots of the same WHO-EUL, or FDA-approved or authorized vaccine due to restrictions in my country. What combinations of vaccines will Yale accept?

The CDC provides guidance for people who received COVID-19 vaccine outside of the United States. Accepted vaccines can be viewed above.

I’ve had COVID-19. Is vaccination still recommended?

The university strongly encourages all students, faculty, staff, postdoctoral/postgraduate trainees, and visitors to receive all COVID-19 vaccinations that are recommended by the CDC and for which they are eligible. View the Yale COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

My test for antibodies is positive, do I still need to be vaccinated?

Blood tests for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 will not be accepted in place of vaccination. At this time, antibody tests cannot be interpreted as proof of immunity to COVID-19 and are not recommended post vaccination.

Does the COVID-19 vaccination cost anything?

COVID-19 vaccination during the Campus Health Vaccination Program is available at no cost to the Yale community. Bring a photo ID and health insurance card with you to your vaccine appointment. Yale Health members can download or print a version of their Yale Health insurance card which contains the required information. COVID-19 vaccination administered at Yale Health departments is available to Yale Health Plan Members only. Please contact Member Services for clarification on coverage. 

How do I schedule a vaccine appointment?

The program provides updated COVID-19 vaccination clinics between September and February every year. You will need your Yale net ID to self-schedule a vaccine appointment through the Yale Vaccine Program. If you are a Yale Health member and need to schedule an appointment outside of the campus clinic schedule, contact Yale Health’s Immunization Department.

Vaccine is provided  at the Yale Health Center at 55 Lock Street. 

  • Vaccines for children under age 18 are provided in Pediatrics on the 3rd floor.  
  • Vaccines for everyone aged 18 and older are provided in the Immunization Department on the 2nd floor. 

I am coming to campus with my spouse, can they be vaccinated at Yale as well?

 Spouses of Yale employees who are not Yale Health members can schedule their appointment through the many options available across the state.

Can I put my vaccination information from outside Yale into my electronic medical record (MyChart)?

Yes, vaccination information can be added to MyChart. If you do not have MyChart, learn more about how to set up an account. Note: MyChart is currently unavailable outside of the United States. As a security measure, MyChart has blocked access to MyChart to all countries outside of the United States. 

I have more questions about my specific situation. Where can I get more information?

Students should email Employees should email The Office of International Students and Scholars also maintains a comprehensive COVID-19 update on their website.  



Updated January 31, 2024

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