Travel Health Services for Students
Important notes, read before you schedule an appointment:
Travel health services are not a covered benefit. You will be charged for travel consultations and travel immunizations at Yale Health and all other locations. Travel health services are offered locally at CVS Minute Clinics or Concentra in New Haven.
- Schedule a travel health consultation appointment about 6-8 weeks before your trip; many travel vaccines are given in a series over time.
- Evaluate any special health needs and personal risks associated with your travel.
- Please know that the pre-travel consultation offices may not carry or provide the necessary vaccines.
- Please visit the CDC travel website and their Travel Health Kits page for helpful travel information.
- Understand how your health insurance will respond while you are abroad (Member Coverage Booklet and Student Guide)
- Decide whether you need supplemental health insurance while abroad
- Learn about the International SOS Global Travel Assistance. Keep your Global Travel Assistance card in your wallet or passport in the event of an emergency.
- Review the Yale University International Travel Toolkit.
- Register your travel.
- You must schedule your travel consultation at least 6 weeks before your departure.
- Yellow Fever is offered at Yale Health Immunization. You may also check with the CDC website for local availability.
- Please upload prior vaccine records (travel-specific and routine vaccines) to MyChart before your scheduled appointment.
Individual Student Travelers
Travel Health Consultations
Individual student travelers and their dependents have the following options for travel health consultations and travel immunizations:
- CVS Minute Clinic (866) 389-2727
- Travel health consultations in Student Health, 203-432-8148
- Japanese encephalitis
- Polio (IPV) for travel
- Rabies for pre-exposure prophylaxis
- Typhoid fever, oral and injectable
- Yellow fever
You may be advised to receive routine vaccines (i.e., those in the CDC Adult Schedule) for your travel. These do not require a clinician order, and Yale Health members can be scheduled through Yale Health Allergy & Immunization. Yale Health will not cover, nor reimburse, for routine vaccines given outside of Yale Health Center.
Individual students and their dependents who receive their travel health services at Yale Health will be charged the full amount for travel health services (vaccines, consultations, and medications). The charges will be billed to your bursar account. If your travel is being funded by the University, please complete the Yale Student Travel Services - Department Funded Travel form and email the form to
HIV Prophylaxis for Health Professional School Students
If you have your Travel Consult outside of Yale Health, you need a Student Health appointment to have a provider in Student Health order the prophylaxis medication for you.
- If you have questions about travel consultations, please call the Student Health Department at 203-432-8077.
- If you have questions about travel vaccines the travel clinician has ordered, please call the Immunization Department at 203-432-8797.
How much will travel health services and vaccinations cost?
How do I pay for travel vaccinations?
If you use Student Travel Health Services at Yale Health, Yale Health will bill your bursar account after your visit. If your travel is being funded by the University, please complete the Yale Student Travel Services - Department Funded Travel form and bring it with you to your appointment.
If you use an outside service you must pay them directly.
Student Travel Vaccination & Consultation Charges
Travel Vaccination Administrative Charges (fee-for-service)
Travel consultations and vaccines administered in preparation for travel are not a covered benefit, so you will be charged the total amount for these services. They will be billed to your bursar account.
- Vaccine Administration Charge: $30 per visit
- Student Travel Consultation Charge: $115
Vaccination Fees
- Japanese Encephalitis (2 doses): $300 per dose
- Polio (IPV): $45
- Rabies (pre-exposure, 2 doses): $310 per dose
- Typhoid: $195
- Yellow Fever: $205