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Preparing for Travel Abroad – Plan Ahead

Important notes, read before you schedule an appointment:

Travel health services are not a covered benefit. You will be charged for travel consultations and travel immunizations at Yale Health and all other locations. Travel health services are offered locally at CVS Minute Clinics or Concentra in New Haven.

Helpful tips:

  • 6-8 weeks before your trip schedule an appointment for a travel health consultation, many travel vaccines are given in a series over time
  • Evaluate any special health needs and personal risks associated with your travel
  • Be aware that some outside travel clinics will not provide vaccinations and medication, and Yale Health will not administer outside vaccine/medication orders
  • Understand how your health insurance will respond while you are abroad (Member Coverage Booklet and Student Handbook)
  • Decide whether you need supplemental health insurance while abroad
  • Learn about the  International SOS Global Travel Assistance. Keep your Global Travel Assistance card in your wallet or passport in the event of an emergency.
  • Review the Yale University International Travel Toolkit
  • Register your travel

NOTE: The following vaccines are always fee-for-service and not covered by Yale Health, no matter where you receive them:

  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Polio (IPV)
  • Rabies (pre-exposure)
  • Typhoid
  • Yellow fever

You may be advised to get some routine vaccines (e.g., tetanus, flu, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, MMR, and varicella) for your travel. If you are a Yale Health member and get routine vaccines at Yale Health Immunizations they will be covered. Yale Health will not cover nor reimburse for any vaccines given outside of the Yale Health Center.

Yale Students

Yale students and their dependents have may receive some travel health services with Yale Health’s Travel Health Services for Students.

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