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Overview of Prenatal Care at Yale Health

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Our group is here to support you throughout your journey.

We would like to give you an overview of pregnancy resources and what to expect during your pregnancy. On page 2 is a general schedule of appointments and testing. There may be additional appointments or testing recommended to you by the clinicians depending on your circumstances.

We also offer the option of midwifery care at the Center for Midwifery and Women's Health (CMWH), 789 Howard Avenue, New Haven. If you are interested in this option, please discuss with us at your 12 weeks appointment as this is when we would refer you. It is also possible to be referred later in the pregnancy.

Whether you continue to see us at 55 Lock Street, or opt to go to CMWH, you will be having your birth at Yale New Haven Hospital at 20 York Street. This is a beautiful recently remodeled unit with Baby Friendly designation.

During your prenatal care appointments, we will check your blood pressure and weight and the baby's heart beat, and answer any questions you may have. You are welcome to bring a significant other to the appointments, unless we have to limit visitation due to an increase in COVID rates. Visitation information is updated on the Yale Health website.

We recommend that all of our patients purchase a blood pressure cuff at our pharmacy (for $25) and monitor their blood pressure at home.

We have a lot of information about pregnancy on our website including information about prenatal classes and hospital tours. We highly recommend our Childbirth Education classes as well as Dancing Through Pregnancy which is a great way to remain fit and prepare for childbirth.

Our Nutrition Department sponsors a group class called Yale Health-y regarding high quality nutrition during pregnancy. This is currently on Zoom platform. We encourage you to enroll in this class.

We also recommend scheduling an appointment with Genetic Support Foundation, which is a group of prenatal genetic counselors we work with, namely Katie Stoll and Kelly Donahue. This is a telehealth appointment and is covered by Yale Health insurance. The phone contact is 844-743-6384. You can call to schedule this appointment for a date prior to the above appointments if you wish, or afterward. There is information on their website about genetic testing options during pregnancy. 


8-10 weeks: First two appointments are in the early first trimester, one in the office and one is a Telehealth appointment. The appointment in the office will involve a transvaginal ultrasound to check your baby's heartbeat and size and confirm your due date as well as a physical exam. If your pap smear is due, that will be done as well. During the Telehealth appointment, the clinician will review your past medical history and any current health conditions and order blood tests for you. They will also review genetic testing options. If you have received care at another office or health care facility, we would appreciate receiving a copy of those records prior to these appointments so they can be reviewed with you during the appointments.

11-13 weeks: Office appointment. 

15-17 weeks: Office appointment. We offer the AFP blood test for screening for open spine defects and this is done between 15-18 weeks

20 weeks: Ultrasound anatomy screening. Usually this is performed in our Diagnostic Imaging office at 55 Lock Street. Patients who are 35 years of age or older at their due date, or who have other higher risk conditions, will be referred to Yale Maternal Fetal Medicine for their anatomy ultrasound. They are located at 1 Long Wharf Drive (near Ikea).

20-21 weeks: Telehealth appointment.

24 weeks: Office appointment. Third trimester blood tests will be ordered for you to do between 26 and 28 weeks.

28 weeks: Office appointment.

32 weeks: Office appointment

36 weeks: Office appointment. Group B strep swab test is done during this appointment.

38 weeks: Office appointment.

39 weeks: Office appointment

40 weeks: Office appointment.

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