Birth Control Pills When do you start taking your birth control pills? You may start taking your birth control pills one of two ways: start on the first day of your menstrual bleeding; or start on the first Sunday after your menstrual bleeding begins. …
Juan Carlos Cleves-Bayon, MD (He/Him) Dr. JuanCarlos Cleves-Bayon joined Yale Health in 2016 as Staff Psychiatrist. He received his M.D. degree at the Universidad el Bosque in Bogota Colombia, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at McGill University in …
Samantha Ojeda, PsyD Dr. Samantha Ojeda is a first-generation, bilingual Latina clinician dedicated to serving underserved communities. She joined Yale Health in 2023 as a Postdoctoral Associate in the Mental Health and Counseling department. She holds a …