Think You are Pregnant? Pregnancy Test You can take a pregnancy test after your first missed period. We recommend that you take a home pregnancy test (available in food markets and pharmacies); these tests are very accurate. If you have any doubt or …
Lead aprons are no longer needed for patients during X-ray exams Research shows there is no evidence that routine X-rays taken in a radiology department damage thereproductive organs. Therefore, lead aprons/shields are notnecessary to cover a patient’s …
Immunization Related Coverage Topics Immunization Requirements Vaccination Charges Flu Information Travel Health Services Students Faculty, Staff, and Dependents Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 203-432-0095 2nd Floor The department accepts …
Managerial & Professional Staff, & Faculty, Post-Doctoral Associates & Fellows Coverage Your Yale Health coverage is unique based on your role at the University. You will receive all of your healthcare at the Yale Health Center unless your primary care …
… to avoid them when shoveling snow. Listen on SoundCloud Nutrition Starts at the Grocery Store Lisa Kimmel, registered dietician and certified nutrition discusses one of the first stops to eating a …
Flu Clinics and Information Announced Wed, Sep 6 2023, 8:42am Immunization Announcement Yale Health recently its annual Flu clinics are now accepting appointments from members of the Yale community, including Yale Health members, and university faculty, …
Mammograms Scheduling Routine breast cancer screening is recommended for individuals 40 and above. Referrals are not required for a routine screening mammogram and/or screening ultrasound (for dense breast tissue) for Yale Health members. If you are …