David Smith, MD David Smith Associate Team Chief BA: University of Virginia, 1976 MD: University of Virginia School of Medicine, 1980 Intern/Resident: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Fellowship: Kaiser Foundation Fellow in General Internal Medicine, …
Emergency Mental Health Services for Yale Health Members When emergency care is necessary, please follow the guidelines below: Seek the nearest emergency room, or dial 911 or your local emergency response service for medical and ambulatory assistance. If …
Susan Marlatt, MD Susan Marlatt BS: University of Georgia, Pharm MD: Medical College of Georgia Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Clinical Track, Yale School of Medicine Georgia State Board of Pharmacy National Board of …
Francis Matthew Lobo, MD Francis Matthew Lobo Clinician and Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics (Immunology) MD: Yale University (1992) MPhil: University of Cambridge (1987) BA: University of Pennsylvania (1985) Fellowship: Yale University School of …
Patricia Peter, MD Patricia Peter Instructor in Internal Medicine (Endocrinology) MD: Yale School of Medicine (2011) BA: Columbia University (2007) Fellowship: Yale-New Haven Hospital, Yale School of Medicine Residency: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical …