Behavioral Health Related Coverage Topics Emergency Mental Health Services for Yale Health Members Sun-Sat: All day open Faculty Staff Yale Health provides behavioral health services for our employee members. If you need mental health support, don't …
… is available by prescription from a provider in Student Health, OB/GYN or Acute Care. (See Emergency … . Obstetrics and Gynecology Pharmacy / Prescriptions Student Health SHARE Center … Emergency Contraception – …
Julia Oricchio, APRN Julia Oricchio, A.P.R.N. joined Yale Health in 2023. Prior to joining the staff, she worked in community mental health at Cornell Scott Hill Health Center. She received her R.N. degree and master's degree in psychiatric mental health …
Eva Wilson, PhD (She/Her) Dr. Eva Wilson joined Yale Health in 2022 as the embedded clinician in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Prior to joining the staff, Dr. Wilson completed her internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the University of …
Michael Groner, MD (He/Him) Michael Groner, M.D. is a psychiatrist in Mental Health and Counseling. He came to the department as a resident physician in 1992, started a fellowship there in 1993, and joined the department as a Staff Psychiatrist in 1994 …
High Blood Pressure Blood pressure is the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. Each time your heart beats, it pumps out blood into the arteries. Your blood pressure is highest when your heart beats, pumping the blood. When your …
Diana Lizcano, PsyD (She/Her) Dr. Diana Lizcano joined Yale Health Mental Health and Counseling in 2021. She completed her doctoral degree at the University of Hartford and trained in various treatment settings (pre-trial diversionary program, outpatient, …
Patient Partner Opportunities At Yale Health we know that you, our patients, know us best. Your insight and perspective is invaluable to us. We hope that you will consider applying to join us as we work together for a better Yale Health. There are …