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Cholesterol is a sticky substance that gathers in patients’ blood vessels. It makes the passage of blood more difficult, causing high blood pressure and puts patients at risk of many other issues, including heart attacks and strokes.

Cholesterol is particularly important to manage because, while the body does require some to work well, the signs and symptoms of too much cholesterol are few. Damage can be done without you knowing it, until symptoms such as angina – or worse – a heart attack, can occur.

High cholesterol, left undetected and untreated, can be dangerous. The good news is, there are many effective ways to help people treat high cholesterol. Tests and very effective treatments are available to help patients maintain a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy diet is the first and most important way a patient can manage their cholesterol levels.  Still, some patients require help from their doctor, who may prescribe medication to lower their cholesterol. Ask your primary care clinician if you are at risk for high cholesterol. We can help.

To learn more about cholesterol basics and treatment options, please watch this video

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