Birth Control Methods
Birth Control Pills
Combination Estrogen/Progesterone Pill - These pills use an estrogen/progesterone combination that works with your body to prevent ovulation (the release of eggs). Each pill pack has 3 consecutive weeks of hormone-based pills and 1 week of placebos (inactive pills) that will bring on your period.
Progesterone-only Pill - Better known as the mini-pill, these have no estrogen in them and are often prescribed if you’re sensitive to combination pills and are having side effects. They release a small amount of progesterone every day of the month, and don’t give you a period during a set week. Safe for nursing mothers.
Intrauterine Device (IUD) –An IUD is a small, plastic device, which is put into the uterus (during an office visit) to stop a woman from getting pregnant. There are two different types: one that slowly releases a hormone, and one that has a small amount of copper. For every 100 women using the IUD, less than one per year will get pregnant. Safe for nursing mothers.
Progesterone implant (Implanon/Nexplanon) - inserted under the skin of your inner arm (during an office visit) provides excellent protection for 3 years. Safe for nursing mothers.
Nuva Ring – A soft plastic ring containing estrogen & progesterone, which is inserted into the vagina where the hormone is absorbed through the vaginal wall. The method is 99% effective when used as directed and is based on a 28-day cycle like birth control pills & the patch.
Xulane patch (formerly known as Ortho Evra) – A patch containing estrogen & progesterone, which is applied firmly to the skin. The hormone is absorbed through the skin and is 99% effective when used as directed. It contains hormones that are released through the skin and into the bloodstream. The patch is used on a weekly 28-day cycle, similar to birth control pills.
Depo Provera injection – A progesterone-only method, which is injected in your muscle within the first five days of an established period. The method is immediately 99% effective when started in this manner. Injections are repeated every 11 to 13 weeks. Women on Depo Provera usually stop having periods. The menstrual cycle resumes when Depo Provera is discontinued. Safe for nursing mothers.
Barrier Methods – Barrier methods include the diaphragm, the cervical cap, condoms and spermicides. Diaphragms and cervical caps require fitting by a clinician and a prescription. Barrier methods have few side effects, although some people may be allergic to latex or spermicides. The average one-year failure rate for the diaphragm ranges between 12 to 18%.
Sterilization – Surgical sterilization is available for both men and women. This option should be discussed with your primary care provider to determine if it best meets your needs.
If you have any questions about these or any other birth control method call us at 203-432-0222.
Note: Other than condoms, none of these methods protect against sexually transmitted infections (STI’s). If there is a potential risk of STI’s a condom should always be used.