New Member FAQs
Now that I have elected Yale Health benefits, what’s next?
When does my Yale Health coverage start?
Your Yale Health coverage effective date depends on your date of hire. If you are hired on the first of a month, your coverage starts that day. If you are hired after the first of the month, your coverage starts on the first of the following month.
Who do I can contact if I have questions about my Yale Health coverage?
Contact the Yale Health Member Liaison with questions regarding your transition of care to Yale Health, your benefits & coverage, or the New Member Checklist. You can also schedule a New Member Meeting & Building Tour.
How do I transfer my medical records to the Yale Health Center?
Complete a Release of Health Information Form for each member of your family to have copies of your medical records sent to Yale Health. Please send this form to the Health Information Management team.
When will I receive my Yale health member ID Card?
Please remember to bring identification when checking in for your appointment, such as a driver’s license or Yale Health ID card. Member ID cards are not required for appointments at Yale Health, but they are useful for appointments outside the Yale Health Center or in emergencies. You can download a member ID card from our secure site or request a physical card be mailed to you.
How or when do I get assigned a Primary Care Provider (PCP)?
On or shortly after your coverage effective date, you, and your dependents if applicable, are assigned PCPs in all primary care departments: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynecology. Members are assigned to clinicians who are accepting new members.
How will I know I’ve been assigned a PCP?
A welcome letter is emailed to you from Yale Health’s Member Liaison when you have been assigned a PCP. This letter contains important information regarding transitioning your care to the Yale Health Center.
When can I schedule an appointment with my PCP?
After you receive a welcome letter from the Yale Health Member Liaison, you can call schedule your first established care visit. Complete an Adult New Patient Questionnaire for each adult family member and a Pediatric New Patient Initial Questionnaire for each child in your family. These forms can be brought to your first appointment, or sent directly to our Health Information Management team.
What if I need to see a clinician or specialists right away?
If you have medical conditions that need attention when your coverage becomes effective, please contact the Yale Health Member Liaison.