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Inpatient Care Facility Patient Rights & Responsibilities

The following policies regarding the rights and responsibilities of patients have been adopted by the Governing Board of Yale Health.

The facility will ensure that each patient admitted to the Inpatient Care Facility:

  1. Is fully informed as evidenced by the patient’s or the patient’s responsible party’s written acknowledgment, prior to or at the time of admission and during stay, of these rights and of all rules and regulations governing patient conduct and responsibilities.
  2. Is fully informed, prior to or at the time of admission and during stay, of services available in the facility and of related charges including any charges for services not covered under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act or not covered by the patient’s membership in Yale Health.
  3. Is fully informed, by a physician, of the patient’s medical condition unless medically contraindicated (as documented by a physician in the medical record) and is afforded the opportunity to participate in the planning of medical treatment.
  4. Has the right to refuse medical care, treatment, and services in accordance with law, and has the right to refuse to participate in any clinical research.
  5. Is entitled to have psychopharmacologic drugs administered only on orders of a physician and only as part of a written plan of care developed in accordance with Section 1919(b)(2) of the Social Security Act and designed to eliminate or modify the symptoms for which the drugs are prescribed.
  6. Is transferred or discharged only for medical reasons or for the patient’s own welfare or for that of other patients.
  7. Shall have prompt efforts made to resolve grievances the patient may have, including those with respect to the behavior of other patients.
  8. Is encouraged and assisted, throughout the patient’s period of stay to exercise his/her rights as a patient and as a citizen and to this end may voice grievances and recommend changes in policies and services to facility staff and/or to outside representatives of his/her choice, free from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal.
  9. May manage his/her personal financial affairs.
  10. Is free from mental and physical abuse and free from chemical and (except in emergencies) physical restraints except as authorized in writing by physician for a specified and limited period of time or when necessary to protect patient from injury to him/herself or others.
  11. Is assured confidential treatment of the patient’s personal and medical records and may approve or refuse their release to any individual outside the facility except in the case of his/her transfer to another health care institution or as required by law or third party payment contract.
  12. Is treated with consideration, respect, and full recognition of the patient’s dignity and individuality including privacy in treatment and care for his/her personal needs.
  13. Is not required to perform services for the facility that are not included for therapeutic purposes in his/her plan of care for his/her personal needs.
  14. May associate and communicate privately with persons of the patient’s choice and send and receive his/her personal mail unopened, unless medically contraindicated (as documented by the patient’s physician in the medical record).
  15. Is entitled to have the patient’s family or a person designated by the patient meet in the facility to the extent the facility has existing meeting space available and which meets applicable building and fire codes.
  16. May meet with and participate in activities of social, religious, and community groups at the patient’s discretion, unless medically contraindicated (as documented by the patient’s physician in the medical record).
  17. Is entitled to be provided information by the facility as to how to apply for Medicare or Medicaid benefits and how to receive funds.
  18. Is entitled to file a complaint with the Department of Social Services and the Department of Public Health regarding patient abuse, neglect or misappropriation of patient property.
  19. May retain and use his/her personal clothing and possessions as space permits unless medically contraindicated (as documented by the patient’s physician in the medical record).
  20. Is assured privacy for visits by his/her spouse and/or partner.
  21. Is fully informed of the availability of all current state, local, and federal inspection reports and has access to a file of deficiencies maintained by the facility (during normal working hours).
  22. Shall choose his/her own physician from the panel of Yale Health’s primary care physicians and is entitled to the opinion of two physicians concerning the need for surgery, except in an emergency situation, prior to such surgery being performed.

All rights and responsibilities specified in paragraphs No. 1 through 22 particularly as they pertain to a patient adjudicated incompetent in accordance with state law or a patient who is found, by his physician, to be medically incapable of understanding these rights or a patient who exhibits a communications barrier devolves to and are binding on such patient’s guardian, next of kin, sponsoring agency or representative payee (except when the facility itself is representative payee).

The aforementioned rights are for patients of the Inpatient Care Facility regardless of race, color, sex, creed, or national origin.

The statement of responsibilities includes the following:

  • Providing information. Patients and families, as appropriate, must provide to the best of their knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to their health. Patients and their families must report perceived risks in their care and unexpected changes in their condition. They can help Yale Health understand their status by providing feedback about service needs and expectations.
  • Asking questions. Patients and families, as appropriate, must ask questions when they do not understand their care, treatment, and services or what they are expected to do.
  • Following instructions. Patients and their families must follow the care, treatment, and services plan developed. They should express any concerns about their ability to follow the proposed care plan or course of care, treatment, and services. The organization makes every effort to adapt the plan to the specific needs and limitations of the patients. When such adaptations to the care, treatment, and services plan are not recommended, patients and their families are informed of the consequences of the care, treatment and services alternatives and not following the proposed course.
  • Accepting consequences. Patients and their families are responsible for the outcomes if they do not follow the care, treatment, and services plan.
  • Following rules and regulations. Patients and their families must follow Yale Health’s rules and regulations.
  • Showing respect and consideration. Patients and their families must be considerate of Yale Health’s staff and property, as well as other patients and their property.
  • Meeting financial commitments. Patients and their families should promptly meet any financial obligation agreed to with Yale Health.
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