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Coverage Start Dates and End Dates

Employees and Dependents

Your coverage will start on the 1st of the month following your date of hire or if your date of hire is the 1st it will start on that day.

Your Yale Health coverage will terminate when you leave the University or end your affiliation. The date of coverage termination is based on your termination date or the date your affiliation ends; Yale Health cancels the coverage on the last day of the month in which these events occur. The Employee Service Center at 203-432-5552 or the associate group’s administrator may specify coverage be continued for an additional period. If so, coverage ends on the last day of the month specified in the termination agreement.

Yale Students and Dependents

For new students and newly eligible students, coverage for fall term only begins on the date of the opening of the dormitories of a student’s college/school or the date required to be on campus for orientation, and continues through January 31. Coverage for spring term only begins on the date of the opening of the dormitories of a student’s college/school or the date required to be on campus for orientation, and continues through July 31. For returning students, coverage for fall term only begins August 1 and ends January 31, while coverage for spring term only begins February 1 and continues through July 31. Even students who graduate are covered through July 31.

Dependents of students need to enroll each year (or term, depending on coverage period selected) with the Student Enrollment/Change Application form. The enrollment period for the full year and the fall term ends on September 15. The enrollment period for the spring term ends January 31.

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